The input for this analysis is the results from the maximum likelihood mapping of the geographical states on the full phylogenetic tree of the 9732 genomes.
From the mapped geographical lineage distributions we can derive the number of importation and local transmission events for each location (based on the available sequences). NB. we do not account for unobserved infections (sequences), and hence the estimated number only reflects the fraction of sequenced genomes that is assigned to specific lineages. The relative growth between the lineages (growth of an transmission lineage implies local transmission), is an important quantity and tells us how dominant specific lineages have become over time. This too could be affected by nonrandom sampling such as targeted sampling of lineages with anitibiotic resistance.
The following plots show the cumulative number of sequences obtained from each estimated transmission lineage over time
name_date_NOR = name_date[name_date$name%in%nor_tips,]
linfo_NOR = lineage_info(Result_NOR,name_date = name_date_NOR)
LineageHomology::lineage_growth_cumulative(linfo_NOR,datelims=c("2015-01-01","2019-06-15","1 year"))
name_date_AUS = name_date[name_date$name%in%aus_tips,]
linfo_AUS = lineage_info(Result_AUS,name_date = name_date_AUS)
LineageHomology::lineage_growth_cumulative(linfo_AUS,datelims=c("2016-07-01","2018-06-15","5 months"))
name_date_USA = name_date[name_date$name%in%usa_tips,]
linfo_USA = lineage_info(Result_USA,name_date = name_date_USA)
LineageHomology::lineage_growth_cumulative(linfo_USA,datelims=c("2008-07-01","2019-06-15","2 year"))
name_date_EUR = name_date[name_date$name%in%eur_tips,]
linfo_EUR = lineage_info(Result_EUR,name_date = name_date_EUR)
LineageHomology::lineage_growth_cumulative(linfo_EUR,datelims=c("2008-07-01","2019-06-15","2 year"))
c1 = Summarize_import_export_local_transmission(implocexp_NOR); round(c1,4)
## 2.5% 50% 97.5%
## Import 706.8500 736.0000 764.0000
## Local transmission 1929.4250 1967.5000 2004.0500
## Export 922.4750 980.5000 1028.0000
## Local explained by import 0.2649 0.2705 0.2759
## Exports per local case 0.1955 0.2165 0.2320
c2 = Summarize_import_export_local_transmission(implocexp_AUS); round(c2,4)
## 2.5% 50% 97.5%
## Import 356.4750 371.5000 391.0000
## Local transmission 2152.0000 2175.0000 2199.0500
## Export 312.4750 346.0000 381.6750
## Local explained by import 0.1243 0.1268 0.1295
## Exports per local case 0.0576 0.0654 0.0720
c3 = Summarize_import_export_local_transmission(implocexp_USA); round(c3,4)
## 2.5% 50% 97.5%
## Import 370.9500 390.0000 407.575
## Local transmission 2574.3750 2595.5000 2620.100
## Export 586.9000 617.0000 645.000
## Local explained by import 0.1206 0.1237 0.127
## Exports per local case 0.1607 0.1706 0.178
c4 = Summarize_import_export_local_transmission(implocexp_EUR); round(c4,4)
## 2.5% 50% 97.5%
## Import 449.4750 476.0000 499.5250
## Local transmission 4233.9500 4266.5000 4306.0000
## Export 620.0000 643.5000 662.0000
## Local explained by import 0.1106 0.1161 0.1206
## Exports per local case 0.1526 0.1570 0.1598
In Norway we estimate that around 42% of locally observed cases can
be attributed due to importation events.
This is more than twice that estimated for the other locations
(Australia, the USA, and Europe in general).
By dividing importation and exportation by (import + local transmission - export) respectively, we obtain the following estimates of the number of cases in the given locations that can be explained by importation.